Head vet for Yukon Quest Alaska

Learn about the Veterinary Program

Yukon Quest Alaska is committed to dog care. Our world class team of experienced veterinarians is one of the most important ways we ensure we are accomplishing this goal. Yukon Quest Veterinary Program Get a detail explanation of the vet program written by Margaret Eastman, DVM, Yukon Quest Head Veterinarian (2001 – 2003). Dr. Margy …

Dr. Mercedes Eileen D.M.V.

YQA Vet Team

We are proud to have assembled one of the finest vet teams around. Dedicated to the dogs and the sports, our vets have decades of combined experience specifically working with sled dogs. They bring a wealth of knowledge and are a critical part of our commitment to dog care. In addition the are an invaluable …

Yukon Quest Alaska

Job Announcement – Executive Director

The Yukon Quest Alaska is currently seeking candidates for the position of Executive Director. Executive Director Position Description Overview  The Executive Director for the Yukon Quest International Limited (YQIL), hereinafter referred to as Yukon Quest Alaska (YQA), is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction as defined by the board of directors, and business operations of …